Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Marketing for Specific Audience Segments


When you try to market to everyone, you target no one.

Make your marketing budget work smarter, not harder, with specific marketing techniques and insights into specific audience segments that will produce more substantial returns on investments. 

What is Audience Segmentation?

Audience segmentation is a blueprint for focused marketing. It targets subgroups within your ideal audience so that you can deliver more customized messaging and build stronger connections.

Audience segmentation breaks up your target audience into smaller, more focused groups for more efficient marketing.

Types of Audience Segments

Below are 2 Types of Audience Segments with broken down components. 

1. Demographic

This is the most common, easy, and frequently utilized form of audience segmentation, and for a good reason: it works.

Frequently used demographics include age, gender, and job type.


Meet people where they are with your marketing.

For example, suppose you have a product, especially for the Medicare population. In that case, you will want to utilize printed materials and or online marketing that is ideal for desktop computers, as these are statistically the ways this sect of the population reads and learns about new things.


Men and women think differently. And shop differently.

Harness these differences to target your ideal audience. For example, women statistically prefer a more emotional connection to their products and companies they are loyal to. Women are also more willing to try a brand they have never heard of, while men like to stick with things that are 'tried and true.'

Job Type

Often, people's jobs coordinate with their passions or hobbies.

Correlate jobs with specific products to ensure a good match.

2. Geographic

Geographic segmentation is about where people are geographically or physically on planet Earth. What attracts attention depends on where people are in the world. 

Examples of audience segments include city, region, and climate.


Big or small city living dictates the consumer's interests, needs, and time.

For example, metropolitan residents are more likely to need entertainment on their morning commute, comfortable shoes to get to and from work, and convenient meals in statistically smaller kitchens. 


American West, Midwest, South, and Northeast all have specific cultural flavors that marketers must know.

For example, a focused ad campaign set in subway systems is not the ideal way to communicate to potential customers in the Midwest. However, it would be a better option for the Northeast market because of its higher population and the larger number of people utilizing public transportation.


The hotter the climate, the stronger the demand for cooling products, foods, and outdoor recreation.

The colder the climate, the higher the demand for comfort foods, warm clothes, and indoor activities.

Some studies have shown that the colder the climate, the less impulsive people are.

Mastering your target audience with demographics and geographic intel can exponentially increase your marketing efficacy. 

Collaborate today with our print marketing professionals to ensure your next outreach to potential customers is the most productive and economical. 

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