Tuesday, June 28, 2022

How can applying for a USPS nonprofit marketing mail authorization help save your 501(c) organization money?

If you are a 501(c) non-profit organization and are considering sending out mailings to generate
fundraising pledges and campaigning for donations, applying for authorization through the USPto mail at nonprofit marketing mail prices may be a great option. This authorization lets your 501(c) organization take advantage of steep postal discounts. Let’s face it, saving money on postage would allow you to take the savings and reallocate them toward other needs in your organization. The cost to send out a #10 Envelope with a letter using nonprofit rates can go for around $.20 cents apiece. That would be quite a savings! On a thousand-piece mailing, you could save a couple hundred dollars! Imagine your savings over time.

Here are a few ways that your non-profit can save money on postage:

  • Obtain authorization from the USPS to mail at nonprofit rates.
  • Be aware of the weight of your mailing. The nonprofit rate allows for up to 3.3 ounces versus 1 ounce for First-class without an increase in postal fees.
  • Be aware of the size and dimensions of your mailing. Certain sizes and dimensions will cost more, especially nontraditional sizes.
  • The minimum requirement to receive the nonprofit postal discount is 200 pieces.
  • Have TGS Direct mail sort your list, barcode, organize and submit electronic documentation to avoid the annual mailing fee.
  • Utilize TGS Direct and use our indicia to avoid the one-time permit fee.

What fees can you expect to incur from USPS by applying for authorization to mail at nonprofit marketing mail prices?

Applying for the nonprofit rate authorization is free.

There are two fees that may apply if you choose to handle the mailing portion yourself.

  1. Annual mailing fee: This is an annual fee for a Marketing Mail permit and is $245.00. However, USPS will waive this fee if all your Marketing Mail mailings are what is considered “full-service” mailings. That means you print “full-service” barcodes on all your bulk mail and submit mailing documentation to USPS electronically rather than on paper. This also means you will need a bulk mailer program to process your lists and submit documentation. This is one of the benefits of working with TGS Direct, we process your list using these full-service mail practices— we help you avoid this annual fee, avoid having to purchase and learn bulk mail programs, and ultimately save you money.
  2. Permit Imprint Authorization fee: The one-time fee* for a permit imprint authorization is $245.00. This lets you print a "postage paid" box (called a "permit imprint" or an "indicia") on your mail, instead of putting a stamp or meter imprint on each piece. You'll have an account at the post office where you have your permit, and USPS will charge your account for the postage for each Marketing Mail mailing. You can deposit funds for your mailings online, by mail, or in person. This fee is not waived by using full-service barcoding. If you will use stamps on your bulk mail, you do not need to purchase a permit imprint authorization. This is another benefit of working with TGS Direct, once you have your nonprofit status, we can put our indicia on your mailing—saving you from having to purchase your own Permit Imprint Authorization and allowing you to receive the non-profit discounted rates.

* To keep your permit imprint account active, you must do a commercial mailing at least once every 2 years. Once your account is inactive, you'll have to pay the application fee again to "turn it back on."

If you use TGS Direct, you could avoid incurring any of the additional fees from USPS because we would let your organization use our indicia permit (a $245.00 SAVINGS) and we would process your list, barcode, tray sort, and submit the documentation electronically (another $245.00/year SAVINGS). 

Are you ready to obtain authorization from the USPS to mail at nonprofit marketing mail prices?

Click the link to download the application USPS Postal Form: PS-3624

Simply fill it out and bring it to your local post office along with the documentation required to apply. It is all listed on the attached form. To apply is FREE. It is that simple. If you have any questions, you can call your local post office or Call: 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777)

Ask Colleen

Do you have questions and want to speak with our Mailhouse Professional? Just email colleen@TGSDirect.com

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